It's been awhile since I've had the opportunity to post.....maybe that's why I never do these sorts of things; fear to disappoint...who? I have no clue, but someone I'm sure.
It's been a whirlwind since my last post...lots of good stories!
Saturday the 19th, my girls and I went to see the movie Space Chimps (cute, but not a run to the theater to watch) with their cousins Maiya and Piper. The four girls had a blast! My girls had the kids trays - popcorn, drink, and fruit snack like always. Loved it!

The girls after the movie
(WARNING!! The following is not for the easily grossed out person.)
After the movie, we decided to watch Riley and Cayli race in Ephrata; so we went to pick up Charli and Camyrn. (Justin was already at the track with the Riley and Cayli.) As soon as we pull into Charli's driveway, Jillian has big alligator tears rolling down her face as she tells me that her stomach hurts. Literally, perfectly fine to alligator tears! She's pointing to her diaphragm and telling me it hurts really bad. I suggest we go inside and get some Tylenol; I'm sure that should do the trick. No more do we walk in and Jillian says
to me, "Mom, I feel like I need to throw up..." and within the word "up" she looses it all! All over her, all over me, and all over Charli's floor. MY POOR BABY! I'm standing there in shock reprocessing what had just happened through my mind when a second round comes! At this point Charli has just come out from her room to find us just inside the entry frozen like statues; I truly think Jillian was in shock too! Charli gets the garbage can just in time for round three. After she's through, I can not even speak; I just start cleaning. Thank goodness it happened on the tile floor (primarily) rather than the carpet. I tell Charli, I don't think we're gonna make it to the race and Jillian gets all upset. She feels fine now; she wants to still go. "Really? Okay then." So, I clean everything up, borrow a shirt from Charli, get a bowl for the road - JUST IN CASE, and off we go.
It's about a 20 minute drive to Ephrata, Jillian slept about 15 minutes of it. MY POOR BABY! We pull into WalMart to get some ice; I stay in the car with the kids while Charli shops. She comes back, loads up and we're off - just across the street - literally. I ask Charli as we're pulling out, "why does it smell like french fries all of a sudden?" Because Charli picked up some popcorn chicken for the kids - oh, how thoughtful....
We pull up almost to Justin and the kids and Jillian and I have to JUMP out of the car so that she can throw up AGAIN! POOR THING! She was severely sensitive to smells at this point and popcorn chicken was not a smell she wanted apparently. I ask her if she wants to go home, "no." She wants to watch Riley and Cayli race. Ok, we're here, let's watch.

Jillian waiting for the race to start.

Riley and Cayli with their race face on!
Riley and Cayli's first heat was the second event; it's three trips around the track. (I am not a four wheeler person, so please excuse me for not using the proper terminology. :)) After their first trip around the track, Jillian comes to me and tells me she needs to throw up again. We go off and take care of it to come back to their heat being over. I asked her if she was ready to go, "yes". POOR THING!
We pack up and head for Melissa's house to get some kid Pepto and then head home. We pass the a dairy and that sensitivity to smells gets the better of Jillian and she throws up again! At this point, just the medicine, there's nothing else in her poor little stomach! We get home and she bolts for the bathroom to try to throw up again; just heaves. POOR THING! Then she puts herself to bed. What a day! MY POOR BABY! I try to reprocess the day of what she's eaten and can not figure out why she's so sick. Everything she ate someone else (me or Alissa) ate too. Could it be a 24 hour bug?
The next morning, after I've racked my brain all night, Jillian comes be bopping up to me and says, "Mom, I feel all better today!" Big smile on her face! I'm happy but perplexed; it wasn't even a 24 hour thing! What was it? I may never know. All I did know is that I was happy she was better.
(It's okay to read now...)
Last week, the week of the 21st, the girls did "Yougottawannago" Day Camp in Ephrata. 8am-4:30pm; a day FULL of all sorts of activities including swimming lessons. I think my girls were more excited to be going with Ashley and Ivie than anything else. In addition to swimming they went for walks, watched a movie, rode bikes, did crafts, etc. Needless to say, they were exhausted when they got home! I asked the girls if they had fun; yes, but they were tired. I asked Jillian if she wanted to do it again next year and she said "no!"
I said, "but I thought you had fun!"
"I did."
"Then why don't you want to go?"
"'Cause it was too hard! Too much walking everywhere!"
We'll see.....
This week the girls are at dance Boot Camp. It's teaching them ballet and technique basics that are the structure and base for a good dancer. They're not so into it, but I wasn't either when I was a kid. I liked the routines, the fun stuff. I'm sure they do too. At least their liking their instructors. It's definitely one of those look back on and appreciate kind of thing.
Brett and I are planning on a family trip this weekend - Seattle Aquarium, Pacific Science Center, and Woodland Park Zoo.'s a surprise! I'm hoping for some great pics! I'll share! Until then!