Friday, July 18, 2008

It's a control thing...

A day in the life of me - crazy! I tend to think that I am in control, when in fact my husband and two beautiful girls are truly running the show. 
Right now, running around is the big event for me; gymnastics, dance, playdates, work.... 
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE IT! I am so very thankful that I am able to do all of this; I just have control issues. It was just recently that I identified and embraced my control issues. I'm pretty sure that they've been there for quite some time and I must have been in denial. I tend to keep the beast (the control issues) at bay by working on various projects. Right now that project is my house. (Come to think of it, I always have some sort of house project going on...)
Just before school let out for summer vacation I rearranged EVERYTHING in my home. We literally moved within the walls of our home; including painting. Of course the kitchen and bathrooms remained in their places; no remodeling - yet. It's all slowly but surely coming together. I'm really happy with the changes made thus far and my mind keeps creating new ideas to try. My new battle, clutter.
Clutter is not a friend of mine but one that I've always had. I am an organizer-wanna-be and can spend HOURS "organizing". It does turn out working better and looking better than before but when I'm the only one "organizing" it doesn't last for long and then I end up doing it again sooner than I planned. Once the clutter is better under control and the rooms are completed I'll share some pics.

Summer means farming time at the Carvo house; meaning long days and nights for Brett. Today he started in on the Odessa fields; which makes the days and nights even longer as he adds a 45min drive each way.
Brett is very fortunate to have such a supportive family willing and able to help him out on the farm. Over the years its become quite the family affair; Larry, Josh, Alex, Elliott, even Jeff every now and then. To each of them, I am very grateful. (I get an out- I'm allergic to hay.)
With farming in full swing that usually means that the girls and I are on our own. We look forward to certain activities that we're pretty sure dad can make; like the rodeo. When the fair comes to town it's rodeo time. The girls LOVE the rodeo! They especially love to look a the rodeo royalty and see how they've glitzed up their horses. Rodeo time is August/September! First ours, then Grandma Genia's, then the Ellensburg Rodeo! Each one builds on the other for excitement for the girls. I always wonder who the clown will be?....I LOVE to watch Flint! Even though he hasn't been in EBurg the last couple of years and won't be for awhile - he's a PBR entertainer. We go watch "Outside the Barrell..." at the NFR in Vegas - ALWAYS a great show!

Side note: I must say, this year we've been able to have Brett home a little more than we usually do. I LOVE that! Still, after 14 years, I want him to be around hanging out with us, going places with us, I don't like to not have him there sharing in those moments. I count my blessings daily for my family and my friends. They help me be me. Thanks guys.

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