I'm BACK! (Yes, I know that it's been awhile and I'm so sorry that I've kept you waiting for so long! ) New banner, no profile pic as of yet, and as always, lots to share!
Let's see, can I summarize 5 months in a post? Without making it pages long? Let me try...
April: we stayed home for Spring Break, but staying home doesn't mean it didn't stay crazy busy! I took pictures of the girls at the park, completed some house projects, the girls had a sleepover, Jeff & Jennifer welcomed their new addition to the family Kai Joesph....
Alissa took a Hunter's Education class; GREAT experience for Brett to share with his daughter.
I was inaugurated into Facebook (FB) and was completely sucked in! Blame FB for my absence! LOL!! Seriously, it's been fun! I've reconnected with so many people! I've been able to keep in better touch with all sorts of friends and family! Quick posts here and there; it's been great!
May: BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!! Jillian had a dance performance at Kid's Festival while Alissa and Brett attended range day for Hunter's Ed., I cut off my hair (from mid back to above my shoulders).
We went camping at Tunk Mtn. above Riverside, WA where we pasture the cows for the spring /summer. It was a working "vacation" for Brett - fixing fence. It was really a lot of fun I have to admit. Josh, Jeff, Chelesy, and Levi joined us!
The girls had a Jog-A-Thon for school, dance performance at the Spring Festival, BBQ & Boating season officially began, we had a great visit with Nana and Aunt Almyra, and Brett had first cutting.
June: I started my summer vacation from the office to be home with the girls, the girls and I made a quick trip to Portland and visited with Nana, the girls had Spirit Week the final week of school, a Father's Day Mariner's Game for Brett, Jeff, Larry, and Ken,
Dance Recital, the start of many playdates to come,

Camping at Liberty,

Vacation Bible School, and the start of swimming lessons.

July: finished up swimming lessons, 2nd cutting for Brett, gymnastics camp, dance camps begin, rollerskating, Nana here for a visit, celebrated Ken's 80th BDay and the 4th of July along with taking some family pics (thank you Nena!),

Montana with the Chapmans, Jonni's Wedding (in MT, Charli's sister),

August: attended the Festival of Homes in ML (great way to get ideas for home projects), start work on new playhouse, more dance camps, and Grant Co. Fair & Rodeo time!
Brett & I took the girls to Seattle for their first Mariners game; before the game we enjoyed dinner at the Crab Pot.
And, on August 27th Brett & I celebrate 15 years of marriage...love you babe!
So, there you have the last 5 months; not a short post but now we're all caught up! My goal is to blog at least once a month but I would like to make it weekly. Let's see how I do. :)
Bye for now!
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