I can not believe that school starts tomorrow! Part of me CAN'T WAIT! (Oh, did I write that out loud?!?) Another part of me is really sad; my girls are growing up. Jillian going to Kindergarten is a HUGE transition for me. I think I struggle with it because Brett & I don't have the "never say never" about having any more kids - I made sure of it (tubes are tied)!! And while I am at complete peace with that decision it makes every last thing that Jillian does a big deal because there will not be another child to go to Preschool, there won't be another first day of Kindergarten... It's not that it's Jillian per say, it's because she's the last. Her growing up just makes both of my girls show me how fast time goes by; I'm more aware of it. Anyway.....
We visited Nana (my Mom) in Portland last week; good times - except the fact that I forgot about the cat...
I gave my cat, Oreo, that Brett & I had had for 12 YEARS to my mom last summer; I do believe. My mom came back to visit about two weeks later and I had an allergic reaction; my eyes almost swelled shut! I went to the MD and he told me that I was allergic to cats. "WHAT! I've had a cat ALL my life" Doesn't matter, he explained, you can be exposed to something one time or a million, when you have a reaction you have a reaction (that's the explanation in a nutshell, not his exact words). So, much to my dismay I no longer have a cat. Since that episode and over the last year I've found out that I have asthma with allergy triggers - FABULOUS! I now have an inhaler. YEAH me! Whatever....
Anyway, I was all excited to drive the 4-6 hours (cause with girls it takes that long) to my Mom's and relax, hang around the house and visit; see my niece and nephew and just hang. Instead, I stressed out about the cat as I needed my inhaler and Clariton to be able to BE at my mom's house. So, we kept busy outside the house - shopping at IKEA, finding a scrapbook store (big shocker- me? Scrapbook store?), and school shopping at the mall. Lots of stuff to stay away from the house; which is really a shame. My mom just completed a three year renovation on the outside and upper floor of her house; it's beautiful! I just couldn't relax enough to enjoy it.
The girls had a great time! They loved it ALL!! My poor niece April got mauled! They ADORED her! She is currently staying with my mom while doing Pharmacy rotations for WSU. She took them to the playground across the street, played pine cone baseball, went for a walk, let the girls climb and sit on her; gees! What a playmate! I bet she needed a good nap after we left! I know I did!
The original plan for this trip was to take the girls to the ocean; before we left, I decided that I was not up for the ocean after all so we would stay at Moms'. But I'm pretty sure that my decision disappointed my mom a bit; while shopping at the mall at Pottery Barn, she bought some sea shells and gave some to each of the girls; "at least they have some shells, even of we didn't make it to the ocean". Sorry mom.
Although I was very stressed while I was there, I am very happy I went. It was nice to see my mom in her element and it was a bonus to see my niece and nephew! It's so strange how time moves so slowly yet goes by so fast, ya know?
Top Row: Nana, April (niece), and Martin (nephew)
Bottom Row: Alissa, Jillian, and Michelle (Martin's girlfriend)
My mom asked if this would cancel all thoughts of visiting again; no, but I 'm not staying with you next time. :)
I must also say sorry to Tim and Katie, I was close to seeing you but my time down there ran quicker than expected; sorry. Next time!! :)
Much more to share, more that I needed to catch up on; but this will have to do for now. Share with you soon!
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