After Brett did his morning routine (checking the water, feeding the horses, and an overall look over everything) we headed for Seattle. The girls were all set in the back of the car with movies and music. After a short stop in North Bend for wedding outfits for the girls, we continued on our way to Seattle. When we got to Bellevue we read a sign "Floating Bridge closed, find alternative route" just in time to dart into the exit lane to I-405 North. Those of you not familiar with this interchange can not relate. IT'S MAYHEM! It's a wonder there aren't more wrecks! That entire interchange, north or south, TOTALLY stresses me out!
Enough ranting, back to the story. So, once on I-405 headed north we turn on the radio for traffic info. (We didn't notice the traffic advisory signs flashing before Bellevue - would have been handy) It appears that the floating bridge is closed for the Blue Angles practice from 12-2:30pm. Had we known this info earlier we would have been happy to stay in North Bend for another hour, but it is what it is. And bonus! It's Seafair weekend! Which means WAY more traffic than usual; which also means this detour that should only take a half an hour with regular traffic is now going to take over an hour to get onto SR 520 to get across the water to Seattle (about 15 miles). Thank goodness for the movies! It would have made this part even worse to not have the girls occupied! I can only imagine all the questions and "Are we there yet?" moments.
We FINALLY get to the Piers about an hour and half later and went to Ivar's for lunch. The girls LOVED it! We were seated right next to the window and watched the Ferries arrive and depart and got to check out the fire boat docked right outside the window. We still hadn't told the girls why the road trip. So, after lunch, we headed for a stroll towards the aquarium.
Alissa got smart. "Mom, isn't the aquarium down here?"
"I think so.."
As she's jumping up and own for joy, "Please can we go! PLEASE!"
"Let me think about it" (I'm bad, I know. It was just too easy!)
Brett and I stopped just outside the aquarium next to this fountain for a photo opportunity; the girls didn't even realize that the aquarium was right there! I took my pics then pointed out the aquarium and we went inside.
Alissa loved it SO much that I had to keep slowing her down. "Alissa, would you like to see this with us?" "Slow down! We can't go back. Enjoy what your seeing now." It was almost too much excitement for her! She was FASCINATED! Jillian enjoyed it too, but was sure to stick close to Brett or I. It was cool to watch the girls and Brett. I lagged a little behind so that I could take pictures. Brett helped point things out and answer their questions. It's the little things that get me sometimes. I was so happy that he was able to get away from the farm and have this time with the girls.
Alissa really enjoyed the whole thing! Touching the starfish, standing in the middle of a jellyfish display - the Circle of Life, looking at crabs and an octopus, as well as seeing all the different kinds of saltwater fish. Jillian just took it all in, like always, and just followed Alissa from display to display. It wasn't until we came up to the clown fish tank that I really heard anything out of her. "Look! It's Nemo, Dori, and Marlin!! And an anemone." That tickled her.
I think their favorite part was the bigger sealife. Alissa wanted to see dolphins and whales but there not at this aquarium. The girls really enjoyed the otters! The otters were pretty active swimming around. Jillian had a tender moment for the two river otters all cuddled up together. After the bigger sealife, the tour ended in the gift shop. (These people know how to direct it! Any parent trying to avoid shopping will be unsuccessful!) We let the girls pick out a toy to "remember the trip" - Alissa's words, not mine. Alissa picked a Harbor Seal and Jillian picked an Orca.
So, now that we've seen the aquarium, it was too late in the day to go to the Pacific Science Center or the Zoo, but too early to head for a hotel (which was not reserved yet). So, we went for a walk along the Pier looking for some more fun.....
More on that later! Stay tuned!
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