No excuses! I've been avoiding my computer!
Brett & I just returned from our 5th annual trip to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas! It is always a highly anticipated trip, always different, new, and exciting! That's a part of why I look forward to and love this trip! It's far enough away from home for Brett to relax and have a good time and in a town that never sleeps we usually don't get much sleep either...
This year we drove down...yes, I said drove. Brett, Brett's cousins Josh and Alex and I all made the trek. It's about 16 hours from home to Vegas; except on the way down we took about a 5 hour detour to Draper, UT to pick up Brett's cousin Ted. A detour well worth taking! We don't get to see Ted as often as we'd like so anytime with him is awesome! He was kind enough to welcome us to his home atop a mountain - seriously! What a spectacular view! He and his golden retriever, Chopper, were fabulous hosts! I learned a new card game...GREAT! I can't remember the name of it, which is extra funny as Ted couldn't remember the name of it when he was teaching it to us!! :) That's hilarious!
Anyway, Friday we arrived in Vegas. We always stay at the Grand Desert, it's a great location for the rodeo; right across the street (relatively speaking) from my FAV casino, Hard Rock, and a free shuttle to Harrah's which gets us to The Strip.

oasis within the two towers
Isn't it pretty?!?
Brett & I usually stay a week and those that we've met up with down there, friends and family, are there for just a part of the week; this year Ted was the only one to leave before the rest of us (dang work anyway!). The "rest of us" would include Brett's parents, Larry & Genia, to Josh, Alex, Brett, and myself.
I'm gonna go with "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" AND "be yourself. at home." for this trip! :) I will point out some highlights in ADDITION to the Rodeo:
A country bar with a HUGE dance floor, I believe it alone is 2,500 sq. ft. - no joke! I had a BLAST here! I even was silly enough to "challenge" Ted; "you ride the bull, I'll ride the bull.." Yeah, OF COURSE he was gonna ride it now!

Go Ted!
It was a blast, poor Ted, I was cursing him the whole time even though deep down I KNEW he would ride it if only to spite me! :)

Yes, that's me
(Great pics from Brett's phone! Not so much.)
Seeing Brooks and Dunn perform "Cowboy Town" at the NFR Sunday night. WOW!

Watching Brett, Josh, and Alex at Fast Lap Kart Racing. So NOT a thing for me but they had a BLAST!
Front to Back: Alex, Brett, Josh
the track (before the race)
Toby Keith's I Love this Bar & Grill; located inside Harrah's. My FAV meal, pulled pork sandwich, and drinks served in Mason jars!

This year was especially fab as Brett danced with me for at least three hours to the live band playing after the rodeo. Yes, Brett danced! Not many drinks required I must add! We had a BLAST!! THANKS HONEY!
We were blessed with FABULOUS weather on the way down so as it is December I was VERY anxious to travel home. Can you say winter storm warning! CRAP! I must say that I am very thankful for all the thoughtful calls we got to make sure we were aware of the warning and to make sure that we were okay. Despite my anxiety, we really were okay. The roads were not as awful as foretold and the part of the trip that I was most fearing, Cabbage Hill, was bare and dry - NO snow. THANK THE HEAVENS! I still was a crazy person, asking Brett to keep it slow, but hey, we all made it through my craziness! :)
We finally pulled into the driveway after 12:15am this morning. It's fun to get away, but it's good to be home.
Where were the kids you ask? We were lucky enough to have Brett's cousin, Elliott, (yes, Brett has a TON of cousins) stay at the house with the girls. He had quite a schedule to keep up with this year; Alex had it WAY easier last year! Jillian gave him a run at times (surprise, surprise!) but it all worked out! Thanks again Elliott! Same time, same place next year???