Friday, December 19, 2008

It's a matter of perspective...

Today has been a unintentional day of observing others perspectives; do you see the glass as "half full" or "half empty"?

Let me give you an example. While waiting to pick up Jillian from school this afternoon another parent, a father, received a call. Please note that I did not try to listen to his conversation but when he's the ONLY one talking in the hall that we're all waiting in it's impossible not too. The weather was the topic; he was telling his caller what a beautiful sun shinny day it was, "just gorgeous!"; whereas every other parent who had entered that hallway was "boy, it's cold out there!" Both views are correct, but who was the "half full" and who was the "half empty"?

Another example was on Stacy's Julian's blog regarding a "self-hinder" book. (That made me smile ironically.)

Food for thought: we all have a choice to view each situation with a positive or negative approach; why is the negative so much easier to choose?

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