I would also like to share that I figured out the posting thing and you should now be able to leave comments on my blog. Please do! Let me know what you think. Do I ramble too much? (Too bad, that's me) Is there something else you'd like to know? Talk to me! :) Thanks! Just click on the "comments" at the end of the entry you wish to comment on. Enjoy!
I am pretty tired tonight but it was important to me to share tidbits of yesterday and today with you. (Sunday one post, Monday next post)

As you can see the girls are reading. This was a mark your calendar event as they had been doing NOTHING that I had asked. It was a great surprise to walk into the room and see them doing something that I had asked. Thanks guys!
Me blogging. :)
Girls ready to "wrestle" with Daddy; "BRING IT ON!"
so, he did!
Day overview: (I had a notebook handy all day)
7:30am awake but refused to get out of bed. Girls up but playing in their room quietly. This is really sleeping in for us but not enough sleeping in for me
8am Brett off to check farm
8:30am Alissa & Jillian come and say hi
eat cereal
work on DYL assignments
check email
11:45am Brett gets home. I start my weekend "chores" with mowing the grass. It was a family affair; Brett trimming, girls scoopin' poop, and me cutting grass on the riding lawn mower.
1:30pm (Wow, what a difference teamwork makes! It usually takes me 2.5 to 3 hours to do the yard by myself!)
sort and start laundry
2pm I shower
2:15pm girls reading like I asked
2:30pm post Goals blog
4:15 start dinner - cheeseburger dish. LOVE this one! EVERYONE, except me -beef, eats this without complaint! Just happy faces!
Make "tasks" list for girls and go over it with them. Reward: blizzards at the end of the week.
5pm Eat
after dinner:
more laundry
DYL project
girls showers
girls to bed
Brett & I settle in for movie:Forbidden Kingdom, I fall asleep - wake up for the end
11pm bed
On the goals listed yesterday, these things didn't make it in my day: making dinner plan for the week, and hanging the curtain rod in my room. Let's see if they make it this week. :)
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